Thursday, September 11, 2008

Essay 1-"Why I'm Here"

Jed Bradley
Manuel Perez Tejada
English 1101-J1
September 6, 2008
Rudy: Why I’m here
The movie Rudy has inspired me to where I am today. I can honestly say that I would not be at Georgia Tech playing baseball, had I not watched this movie continuously from a young age. Rudy is a true inspirational movie about a boy with little talent and ability on the football field, or in the classroom who accomplished feats far beyond everyone else’s expectations. He grew up in a lower class family; his father was a worker in a steel mill. He was small in stature, and because of this he was constantly bullied by his larger older brothers, as well as others around him. Despite the differences in the Rudiger family (Rudy’s family), they all had a common interest, Notre Dame Football. It was Rudy’s dream to grow up and to go to Notre Dame to play football. Anytime Rudy expressed this dream, he was put down and told of how impossible it was. He was told that Notre Dame was for elite athletes and students of higher intellect, and that he would never make it there. There was only one person who ever listened to Rudy and believed in him- his best friend Pete. Rudy ended up graduating high school and going to work for his father at the steel mill. When Rudy turned twenty-two, his friend Pete died. This was a wakeup call, and Rudy decided to follow his dream and do whatever it took to go to Notre Dame and play football. Long story short, Rudy went to Notre Dame, walked onto the football team, got knocked around like a rag doll everyday for two years, and graduated from Notre Dame with a degree. After all Rudy’s hard work and sacrifice, he got to play in one game, for 15 seconds, and it was all worth it. This movie has inspired me since I was a child, and taught me life lessons I will never forget.
Rudy is important to my life because it inspired me to achieve goals that seemed impossible. I accomplished goals others told me were impossible. I received a scholarship to play baseball here at Georgia Tech for instance. Many movies are motivating in this aspect, but Rudy really seems to speak to me because it’s sports related. It brings out emotion in me every time I watch it because I have experienced successes in the sport I love that others said were impossible just like Rudy did. I try to live my life by the ideas displayed in this great movie. These ideas are that through hard work and determination anything can be accomplished.
I believe the reason I am so inspired by this movie is the fact that it is based on a true story. Anytime I doubt myself or I think something to be impossible, I remember that Rudy faced the impossible as well, and he prevailed. This has given me the extra bit of motivation to advance myself in life. Because of the movie Rudy, I can look at any situation or scenario in my life and deem it feasible. No task seems insurmountable.
Rudy is a beautiful movie that tells an awesome story of overcoming trials and adversity. I have applied the ideals expressed in this movie to my life, and it has helped me tremendously. I was told I would never play college baseball, but through hard work and determination, I have accomplished my goal of becoming a collegiate athlete. Rudy Rudiger (Sean Astin) showed me the benefits of being persistent and never giving up. The lessons I’ve learned from Rudy will stay with me forever. Consequently, otherwise impossible feats now seem possible; I have Rudy Rudiger to thank for that.

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