Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Final Project reflexive essay on how a video is a good way to present an argument

When it comes to presenting an argument, the use of video has become essential. The average American spends six hours a day in front of the television. Also, with the ability to stream videos online to anyone with internet access, the video has emerged as the best conveyer of an argument. All parts of the rhetoric triangle can be demonstrated through the use of a visual argument. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos can all be used and displayed. As an example, Presidential candidates use video to gain support and get their names out. YouTube is full of videos of Barack Obama involving pathos to reach out to the public, and appeal to people’s hearts. Other political advertisements are streamed and aired that suggest the ethos of the candidate, or that appeal to reason in citizens, using logos. This can all be shown in a video, because the video is so flexible in that it can easily communicate ideas.
I believe one of the most important reasons the video is such a great method of expressing arguments and ideals is because it allows the viewer to see the concept at hand. It’s not being talked about on the radio, or reiterated be someone else, but it is being seen and heard. The argument then appeals to more senses of the observer, and again, the audience appeals of logos, pathos, and ethos can all be incorporated. Because of this, a video is great for an English class; particularly a class like ours. Many of the topics we discuss are contentious, and can be argued quite easily in different directions. Because of a video’s ability to involve all three general audience appeals it makes it a perfect way for our ideals as students to be portrayed. Nevertheless, when making a video, it is incredibly important for the creator to carefully structure his or her argument, and to involve logos, pathos, and ethos when needed to get his or her ideals across to the viewer easily. This of course has become much easier as technology grows every day. Many things are made possible in movies through special effects that could never happen in reality. This is why fandom for many fantasy movies is so large, because the fans feel at home in the worlds of their movies because today some movies seem so real. But this just adds to the idea that a video is a great way to get an argument across to an audience; the thoughts and message shown in the movie can be conveyed to its viewers in ways that have never been used before. This just increases the interest of the ones who are viewing the movie, and can make them believers in the thoughts put on the screen. It is because of this ability to persuade people that the video is such a great way to present an argument. Movies are another tool to be used in getting a point across; and anything that is able to combine the use of logos, pathos, and ethos together in an argument will strongly communicate the message it intends.

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