Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our Final Project

For our final project,‭ ‬the Cool Crew was given the following prompt: ‭ "‬build an argument explaining what concepts you have found more useful,‭ ‬revealing,‭ ‬intriguing,‭ ‬fascinating,‭ ‬problematic,‭ ‬lacking,‭ ‬or any other descriptive term for your own relationship with media and the media industries.‭"‬ ‭ ‬We could choose from three types of projects: ‭ ‬an individual essay with visual aid‭ (‬pictures‭) ‬to support an idea of each page,‭ ‬an individual movie with a short reflexive essay or a group movie with individual,‭ ‬short reflexive essays. ‭ ‬The following blogs are our final projects over our relationship with the media. ‭ ‬Jed did option two, and Ian, Jeremy, David and I all did option three. Jed made his movie on staying connected through the internet, Jeremy did his essay on Indy Media, Ian did his on political advertising via internet, David wrote his essay on the internet as an "information superhighway", and I wrote my essay on the Fairness Doctrine. We all chose media subjects that had personal significance to us, and we hope you enjoy!

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