Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Success of Indie Films

The media today has allowed for many opportunities that were previously impossible. With use of modern technology and new practices, many industries, such as the independent film industry, are now flourishing in ways that were previously impossible. Dan Glickman, the current CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, once said, “Technology has not only changed the way people are able to view movies, it has changed the way our industry produces and advertises movies (Dan Glickman Quoted).” This statement seems to sum up modern media and could not be truer, in regards to the independent film industry. The independent film industry has grown into a powerful force based on the modern state of the media. They have done so by incorporating new advertising techniques, fandom, and different aspects of the internet to expand their base.

The independent film industry has become ingenious in the ways that they advertise for movies. Knowing that there is not a great amount of money to spend, they have to come up with ways new ways to get the word out. It is very interesting how this industry has used forms of globalization and a different position than Hollywood in their advertisements to gain new viewers.

The indie film industry has embraced the phenomenon of globalization in order to make their advertisements more effective. By purchasing a small amount of ad space, on even a small television network, their film gets across to millions. This is because with globalization of the television networks through satellite and cable, a new TV show in the U.S. can be seen across the globe in a matter of minutes. One of the best advertising techniques currently being used by the industry is advertising in foreign markets. This is done because it is much cheaper and many of the films made still appeal to these markets. This is the reason behind many films having the majority of their success overseas, while they remain relatively unknown in the states. The indie film industry has not only used globalization for success but is also known as a fresh source of movies that go against Hollywood’s grain and they use this in their advertisements.

In recent times Hollywood has began to have a negative connotation that goes along with its current practices. This has come from their almost dictator- like hold over the movies they produce and distribute. As a result the independent film industry uses this in their advertisements to show that good movies can be made on an independent level. This recent trend can be seen in movies such as Pans Labyrinth which found success in Spain as an independent film and because of this was picked up by a major production. This allowed the creator to make a film he wanted and still gain financial success through the film.

Another part of the modern media that the independent film industry has embraced is the idea of fandom. Fandom is defined by Wikipedia as a term used to refer to a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest (Fandom). Those participating in fandom often take their love of the movie or idea they support to extreme levels and for the indie film industry this means loyal fans and people to support their cause.

There are many cases of fandom allowing independent films to break through to mainstream society. One of the most recent examples can be seen in with the Twilight film. This film was based on a bestselling book and in the beginning a large Hollywood company was producing the movie. They dropped it however and an independent production company took over and made the film based on a push of support from fans. As a result when the film premiered the fan base showed up and helped to spread the word and make the movie a box office success.

As one can see the connection between the indie film industry and fandom is critical to its recent success. This phenomenon has helped the industry as previously mentioned by relying on fan support to give the movies extra push. This works because many of these fans will go to extreme measures to support their favorite films. Many films such as Night of the Living Dead use their status as cult classics as a way to garner success long after the films debut. As a result of all of this, many indie films are able to contend with their bigger, Hollywood, brothers and still remain true to what they believe.

The last technique that the independent film industry has done is utilizing the internet to further their success. Using forums and online videos to prolong the effect of the films and to garner buzz for releases, has allowed the industry to hold its own against bigger budget productions. These methods work because of the modern state of the internet where almost everyone is connected and one post can be seen by millions in a matter of hours. As stated by Devereux in his book Understanding the Media, the internet can be seen as a public sphere where one can find a wealth of information and content (108). For the indie film business, it is exactly that.

The use of the internet’s ability to get a video online quickly and to many viewers, is one tool that the indie film business has used to their advantage. Some indie films have even premiered online as a cheaper way to be seen by millions. These films are usually not trying to gain economic success but more of an ideological success, where they can get their beliefs across. This is a very popular technique with independent documentaries such as the controversial Outfoxed which criticized the Fox News Network’s journalism practices. Such a film could not be debuted in regular theaters because it was a touchy subject that would not appeal to the masses but was able to finds its niche online. Even though the film was not actually debuted online, the majority of its viewers currently view it online and this has allowed it to grow into a much bigger success. This method is works because the internet allows the producer to show the film to the exact group that wants to see it. A fact of modern media that was not available even a decade ago.

The last way that modern media and the internet have allowed the industry to expand is using forums and chat rooms to support their independent films. This is another installment of fandom but can be investigated on a more defined level. The use of forums allows buzz for a film to grow from the people who support the film to people that have never heard of it. It also allows the users to plan events and discuss topics based on the movie. This helps to give more indie films the status of being a cult classic because the forums give the movie a longer lasting effect. Overall this tactic works well as a fusion between globalization and fandom. The use of the internet as a whole gives the industry a more effective voice and allows for a stronger grasp on the market.

The independent film industry has risen over the past century to greater and greater heights. It is currently at a level where it can finally break through to a more mainstream audience and has done so in many cases. This breakthrough has been made possible by the ever-evolving state of media in our world. Now it is possible for indie film makers to utilize new advertising methods, fandom, and the internet to further their success. In the end it is modern media that has allowed for this expansion of the indie film industry and despite its many flaws, it has allowed for many Davids to beat their Goliaths.

Works Cited
"Dan Glickman Quoted." Dan Glickman Quotes and Quotations. FocusDep. 2 Dec. 2008 .
Devereux, Eoin. Understanding the Media. Second ed. Minneapolis: SAGE Publications, Limited, 2007.
"Fandom." Wikipedia. 2 Dec. 2008. 2 Dec. 2008 .

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